What are the requirements for obtaining a library card?
Residents or those who own property in Vance County are eligible to apply for a library card at no charge.
Picture identification verifying name and current address is required. Acceptable identification is listed here.
How much does a library card cost?
Your first library card is free. Replacement cards are $2.00.
I don't live in Vance County. Can I still obtain a library card?
Yes. Persons not meeting eligibility qualifications for a Perry Memorial Library card may receive a card upon payment of $10.00. This nonrefundable fee entitles you to all benefits provided by the library for 1 year. Valid identification and current address must be presented to purchase a card for more information click here.
If you have a card from an NC Cardinal member library (NC Cardinal list), you can use that card to check out materials at Perry Memorial Library.
We also offer a computer-use-only card at no charge.
Do I need my library card to check out materials?
Yes, you must present your library card to check out library materials.
What are the circulation periods?
Books and audiobooks: 3 weeks
DVDs: 2 weeks
Chromebook/hotspot: 2 weeks
Books and Beyond kits: 3 weeks
Can I renew checked out material?
Materials are auto-renewed twice, unless a hold has been placed on the item. To find out how click here.
Is there a limit to how many items I can check out?
There is a limit of 50 items per card, with the following exceptions:
- 3 DVDs per card
- 1 Chromebook/Hotspot per card
- 1 Books and Beyond kit per card
Will I be notified when I have overdue materials?
We do not charge overdue fines.
If a library item is not returned within 14 days of the due date, you will receive a notice. Thirty(30) days after due date, any item(s) not returned will be declared lost. You will be billed for the lost item(s) and all borrowing privileges will be suspended. Borrowing privileges will be reinstated upon return of overdue item(s) and /or when account fees are paid to bring account balance in good standing.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash and debit/credit cards for payment. As of December 1, 2018, we will no longer be accepting checks.
At what age may my child be left unattended at the Library?
Children who are 12 and older do not require a parent in the building. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older.
How long can I use the computer?
Patrons using the Adult Services computers are allotted up to 3 hours of computer time per day depending on the demand and availability of the computers.
Do I need my library card to access the computer?
Yes. Adults and children 13 and older use their library card to log on to a computer on the second floor of the library. Adults residing somewhere other than Vance County may obtain a "computer use only" library card free of charge. Children 12 and under use their cards to access computers in the Youth Services area located on the first floor of the library.
Can I make copies? How much are they?
Yes. You will be charged 10 cents per black and white page to print from the computer or when using the self-service photocopier located on the first floor of the library. Color copies cost 25 cents per page to print from the computer or when using the photocopier (with assistance from library staff) located on the second floor.
Do you offer fax services? How much is it and how many pages can be faxed?
Yes. You will be charged $1.00 for the first page and 25 cents for each additional page. The maximum number of pages that can be faxed at one time is 15. The cover sheet is free.